If you are feeling feeling stuck or blocked or needing a boost or Energetic tune-up, this Sacred offering is definitely for you. These sessions will help you attune your energy to help you align with more energetic. This energy work session will help you shift and clear energyas well as around any specific sitatuions that you wwoud like clearing and energetic attention. These sessions can also help with clearing your energy field and make you feel more connected and grounded. In essence, will help you tap into mor of your essence. 3 Sessions of energy clearing and chakra attunements. These are distance energy work 45 minute sessions. ATTUNE & ALIGN Gift Package:
Gift certificate for a cherished person in your life. |
Sacred Ruby *SPECIAL Holiday Offerings* | Wk. 3
Love Your Essence Spray
Love Your Bath: Organic Herbal Bath Blend
Sacred Ruby Bundle #3 *Special Holiday Offering*